BENEFITS AND REASONS as to why you should apply for the first Academic Bachelor Study program in English in Montenegro:
The key difference between the study program in English compared to the already accredited study programs at the Faculty of Economics, in terms of the necessary infrastructure and non-financial resources, is reflected in the necessary knowledge of the professional English language by the teaching staff. Bearing in mind that all teaching staff who will be involved in the process of teaching in English meet this additional requirement, the basis for the realisation of this study program has been set. In terms of equipment and other forms of infrastructure necessary for teaching, it is important to point out that the Faculty has state-of-the-art equipped spatial capacities (including halls for conducting theoretical classes, computer rooms, library, etc.).
In addition, in order to increase the quality of teaching, in addition to using its own resources, the Faculty will hire teaching staff from abroad (through incoming mobility, which is already significantly developed), but also through cooperation with other universities from the region and beyond, with which the Faculty of Economics already has signed cooperation agreements (University of Ljubljana, University of Zagreb, University of Belgrade, University of Sarajevo). In addition, established cooperation with numerous partners from the economy will be used as an important resource for further increasing the quality of teaching.
The Faculty of Economics strives to provide information about the career paths of graduated students through the activities of the Alumni Club. In order to improve and develop the Alumni Club, it is planned to create a database of graduated students. The data from the mentioned database will enable the monitoring of employment statistics and the career path of graduated students.
Trends in higher education, as well as dynamic changes in the labor market, impose the need for a flexible approach in planning career paths. Through the organisation of seminars, workshops, the establishment of cooperation with the Employment Office, the Employers' Union, ICT Tehnopolis Nikšić, the Capital City and partners from the economy, especially those who are former students, the University of Montenegro strives to ensure the active participation of representatives of the economy, that strengthen this cooperation and enable students to acquire practical knowledge and experience, so that all recognized weaknesses of the existing study programs are eliminated.