Linking theory and practice

Linking theory and practice

Linking theory and practice

A new model of student professional practice

In order to improve the competencies of our graduates and to provide them with the acquisition of highly useful knowledge, in May 2023, the realization of a new model of student professional practice began. Acquiring practical knowledge in a business environment is made possible for all students in the final year of basic academic studies, in cooperation with 40 partner institutions from the private and public sectors. Practical teaching was conducted so that students mastered part of the learning outcomes through engagement in companies and institutions of the public sector, where they had the task of completing a final project related to a specific discipline studied at the faculty, defined by the subject teacher, and which is closest to the company/institution from the aspect of its activities. In the first year of implementation of this project, 90 students in the final year of academic studies participated in professional practice that lasted for a month.

They acquired professional Linking theory and practice – a new model of student professional practice knowledge from 35 employers, including ministries, state institutions, regulators, associations, banks, and small & medium-sized enterprises. Volunteers from the Career Development Center participated in the preparation of the operations within the professional practice program as ambassadors of professional practice, whose role was to present the benefits of this program to all interested students, but also to respect their preferences when it comes to choosing the subject from which they will do a one-month professional practice. In May, the piloting of the ERASMUS+ project DUALMON – Capacity building for the implementation of dual higher education in Montenegro began. The pilot project includes the introduction of professional practice for students of the final semester of basic academic studies, on the Microeconomics module, lasting a month and a half in the companies that are partners in the project